Gratitude helps to begin the day strong!! Give thanks to the loved ones and a new dawn. A tour-guide-of-life once recommended: “challenge only yourself! But, be a contender!” Keep the…
Driving to Chaska, Minnesota to host an Open House this Saturday, the radio shoots me a song: "Lunatic Fringe" by Red Rider from the 20th Century. As I'm cruising through…
Nashville Snow Storm You will see all kinds of weather when you are trucking. You wouldn’t expect Tennessee and southern states to have winter weather problems. One of the most…
Happy Tuahsday to ya! You have probably heard of Hump-day (Wednesday). Now you can add "Tuahsday" to the work-week. DrifterRadio's "Tuahsday" wordsmith is in regards to the meme/video of the…
*Excerpt from upcoming memoir book on my trucking-days. One of the more “memorable birthdays” I had was when I turned 27. I was delivering in Kentucky to an industrial area…
*Excerpt from my upcoming memoir covering my truck driving days in 2002 If you want to have a miserable experience in life try sleeping in a vehicle in the middle…
Chatting with Chat-GPT on "Saintly-ness" June 24, 2024 (Monday) was interacting with and prompting ChatGPT 3.5 today. “Saintly” should be an AI standard as far as humanity is concerned. The…
Drivers forget to realize that driving is one of the most dangerous activities people do on a daily basis. Awareness of the road is the most important skill to cultivate…
*Excerpt from the upcoming trucking memoirs. Not all of my memorable moments on the road had to do with the police. Some of them are related to music. Driving through…