Top Driver Safety Skill: Awareness

Drivers forget to realize that driving is one of the most dangerous activities people do on a daily basis. Awareness of the road is the most important skill to cultivate for safety. Many people are unaware of the world around them if they are distracted, younger, or their senses are getting old. As a driver, you need to look-out for everyone.

The most important driver safety rules:

  1. Keep a space-cushion of at least two seconds with the vehicle in front of you. If you are driving a semi, it takes longer to come to a stop, so this cushion should be extended beyond 2-seconds. 
  2. You can figure out how far back you need to be by picking points on the side of the highway; when the car in front of you passes this point, start counting how long it takes for your vehicle to go past that point. If you pass that point before two seconds, then you need to back off from the vehicle in front of you.
  3. Continuously check all of your mirrors and space on either side of the cab. Driving situations can change in seconds especially if you have people driving faster than the speed limit.
  4. Look 10-seconds down the highway instead of right in front of the vehicle. Not only is it easier to drive straighter down the road, but you will have ample time to react to situations.
  5. Use your blinkers to signal your intentions. Give other drivers time to react to you.
  6. Don’t drive tired, drunk, on certain medications, or with a full bladder.
  7. Don’t drive distracted and have both hands on the steering wheel.

Driving is one of the most hazardous activities people engage in daily, yet many often overlook the inherent risks. Maintaining a high level of awareness on the road is crucial for safety. Distractions, youth, or aging senses can impair a driver’s ability to stay alert. As a driver, it’s essential to remain vigilant, not just for your safety, but for everyone around you.


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