“I went to California with only the clothes on my back.” Wali-G (2003)
After hitchhiking to the $250,000 Warrior Foosball Tournament in Las Vegas, sponsored by Brendan Flaherty, I was offered Hollywood recording studio and real estate-drift.
No pay offered. No time to get my backpack from my aunt in Las Vegas.
Made sense on the foos-journey.
Just the clothes on my back. Head to California for the next drift.
“Yep. Sounds good.”
Tip #1: Don’t bring much along.
What is the bare necessity for drifting?
If you can’t physically carry it over many miles, you probably don’t need it.
Tip #2: Stay light with the stuff you need.
Be materially-minimalistic with your journey.
Your back and knees will thank you.
Tip #3: Plan for the Terrain
“If you are heading out into the wildness,
you are going to need more than just a spoon.
If you are headed to the city,
they have spoons.”
Also important when drifting North America: the elements and time of year.
You don’t want to get stuck walking 7-miles down a highway in Colorado in November…..
…in the middle of a snowstorm…wearing a wool blanket that you brought to sleep-in.
Perhaps the “foos poncho” will never be fully appreciated by people if they have never walked through snowstorms in November in Colorado on the side of the highway,…
If you do find yourself in this situation, as you hitchhike to Las Vegas, I would put your foosball number and/or name on the back of your travel wear.
A black marker is all that is needed to brand your foos-poncho tech.
Embroidery or screen printing recommended.
Foos-poncho tech offers multiple benefits:
1. Light because it serves multiple purposes. Sleeping system, snowstorm gear, etc.
2. Visibility-safety purposes: “don’t run me over; I’m on the side of a highway in a snowstorm.”
Tip #4: Tourist and Curious Vibe
When drifting the world, to places and experiences unknown, bring a childlike-discovery mindset, but with an adult-sense of wonder.
Tip #5: Host
Bring peace to wherever you stay.