If you have been following DrifterRadio.com since its inception 20-years ago, you are well aware of the drifting I have done. Hitchhiking for foosball, truck driving, deployment to Afghanistan, wandering around Europe…etc.
The latest incarnation of my drift is in real estate in the bustling Twin Cities of Minneapolis.
Business drifting.
As the days are already warming up in February 2024, the real estate market is starting to come out of hibernation. As such, I am finding myself back on the highways of Minnesota metro area. I anticipate putting on some miles in Minnesota this year.
The 2006 Honda Accord (171,000-miles on the odometer) should get me around the area just fine. There is nothing special about this 4-cylinder 2-door silver vehicle. Gas mileage is decent and this model is capable of handling a high mileage marathon.
I look forward to being “back on the road” in a refined sense. I’ve never thoroughly explored the vastness of the Twin Cities metro area of 3+million people. Touring around to show a house, host an open house, etc. turns into a different adventure daily.