AI: Wali-G Makes Friends


Berg brainstorm sketch: Wali-G, 21st century peripheral drifter, makes friends while drifting in the real world. He asks five funny questions to strangers on the street. 

Wali-G Prompt

What would these questions be for show #1 based on the segment outline above.

ChatGPT Response

Sure, let’s create five funny questions for Wali-G, the 21st-century peripheral drifter, to ask strangers on the street during his quest to make new friends:

  • Icebreaker Extravaganza:
    • Question: “If you could have any historical figure as your wingman for a night out, who would it be, and why? I mean, imagine Socrates giving relationship advice at the bar!”
  • The Quirky Quandary:
    • Question: “If you had to choose between fighting one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses, which epic battle would you embark on? And what’s your strategic game plan?”
  • The Time-Travel Teaser:
    • Question: “If time travel existed, and you could attend any ancient civilization’s happy hour, which one would it be? And more importantly, what would you order from their drink menu?”
  • The Foodie Fiesta:
    • Question: “If your life story was a menu item, what would it be called, and what ingredients would it have? I’m thinking mine would be the ‘Spicy Serendipity Surprise’ with a dash of chaos and a sprinkle of laughter!”
  • The Unconventional Unveiling:
    • Question: “Alright, time for a plot twist! If your autobiography was turned into a blockbuster movie, who would play you, and what would the tagline be? Mine would probably be ‘Wali-G: The Drifting Dynamo – Where Every Detour Leads to Laughter!'”

These questions aim to be humorous, engaging, and thought-provoking, fostering a light-hearted atmosphere for Wali-G as he drifts through the real world in search of new friends.


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